Einsteinium is a Girl's Best Friend Apron

Etsy seller
buffalonerdproject sells a s
weet apron that shows your love for the actinide elements. The description of the
Einsteinium apron:
It is, of course, named after a certain Albert Einstein. It is also radioactive, hence, hot stuff.
This apron is perfect for that geek chic chef in your life, a great way to celebrate mad skillz (yup, with a Z) both in the lab and out. It is the second of my "hot stuff" aprons, and I hope to create more. It is made from vintage flowered fabric with a felt applique of Einsteinium's periodic symbol in white and green with a gold background. Green iron-on letters proclaim "hot stuff" to warn people about a) radioactive elements, b) food just out of the oven or c) the nature of the wearer.
I agree, totally hot!
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