Or make your own with a 3-D brain candy mold:

Or if you are a vegan zombie, you might want to carve this melony version:

Instructions on Instructables
Happy Halloween!!
Mostly, we star gaze from our backyard in the ‘burbs -- not a "dark-sky certified" area with a dramatic showing of stars hidden by the pollution of city lights. But that's the point: there's so much to see, even in our own backyard! Our favorite function is the "tour" which lets us sit back and look upward while listening to a Top 20 list of objects identified as optimal for viewing based on the date, time, and location of our session. The audible lessons are really interesting and fun -- usually consisting of highlights and some esoterica of the object under observation.You can purchase the Celestron SkyScout Personal Planetarium at Amazon.com
Get your Intelligent Behind into a cute little pair of boy shorts and express your love for rationality, reason, and the man with the plan, Charles Darwin.
These shorts are knit top-down and in the round, so there’s almost no finishing. If you want to skip the duplicate stitch motif, you can have these quick little knits on your tuckus in no time at all.
At the center is the sun: a 10 mm clear glass flat disc with yellow ghost (a stripe within the glass). The next planet is Mercury: a 4mm mookaite round. Next is Venus: a 6mm Swarovski rondelle in light Colorado topaz (with a beautiful AB finish). Next is the Earth: a 6mm blue-green-clear glass round with white "clouds". Finally, Mars: a 5mm red glass round.
All the planets can move freely on their orbits (except for Mercury, which needs some force to move).
For added sturdiness and more protection from the elements, these earrings are coated in a layer of resin. You never know what can splash up at you, especially if you aren't wearing protection in the lab! **Please do remove them before bathing / jumping into an acid bath**Perfect for the fashionable chemist!
At last, Acme has conquered topological and engineering frontiers to manufacture genuine glass Klein Bottles. These are the finest closed, non-orientable, boundary-free manifolds sold anywhere in our three spatial dimensions.I think they would make the perfect geeky wedding or housewarming gift.
These elegant bottles make splendid gifts, outstanding classroom displays, and inferior mouse-traps. With its circle of singularities, an Acme Klein Bottle can be said to exist inside of itself -- especially handy during time-reversals.